Thursday, July 26, 2007

4 Shows, 3 Days.

Friday night: Gogol Bordello.
If you don't know Gogol Bordello; check them out NOW. They're amazing gypsy punk and quite amazing live. The lead singer, Eugene, was in Everything is Illuminated. I saw them last year I(june I believe) and stood in the front and got killed, as usual, but since I knew this would be a big weekend I decided to stand, with many parents, in the balcony and on the side (with my mother who was my dear for the night - she is obsessed with them.) After a night of amazing music and a new perspective (litterally) on being a fan came the encore. Eugene climbed up to where I was - I fuck you not - proceeded to make out with the girl next to be (the only other female under 40 near us) and then grab and hug me and scream down to the crowd for like five minutes then scream at me "The after party is next!" and when I asked where it was he simply said with his bloody lip "The Buglarian bar." So basically all the kids downstairs were killing themselves to get close to them all night whereas Eugene came to me. Ha. Sightings: possibly Karen O and (def) bandmate Nick Zinner.
Saturday Morning: Siren.
I had never been to SIren because I was always away but to be honest it wasn't all that fun for me. It was well put together and such and I got tons of free stuff and, as usual, I love Coney Island but the lineup wasn't all that great so I only ended up watching two bands. I got there quite early and ended up in the front by mistake (I intended on staying further back) and watched Twilight Sad (not really that memorable but they were good) and Dr. Dog (the only band I really came to see, i've seen NY Dolls many a time and by later on I was far too full and sunned out to stay for MIA or Black Lips). They were very very good and I danced around for a bit but when one of my dears was passing out we went for lunch (Nathan's, of course) and then home. Yes, I'm a boring old man.
Saturday Night: Doc Pomus Tribute in Prospect Park.
Not much to say. It was well done. Sharon Jones was amazing as was many others. I went to see Lou Reed and teddy Thompson but was quite dissapointed when Teddy didn't show. Lou was very good. I was tired so no dancing took place with the 60 year old women in front of me, but that's OK.
Sunday: McCarren Park Pool Parties.
Work work. Except not since I didn't really have a job and wandered around for a while, sat and watched the Annuals (amazing) and left before Band of Horses came on.
Thus concludes my whirlwind weekend.


I've learned how to silkscreen! It's quite fun, I've made tons of stuff and I plan on printing "Lacking Rhythm" on the back of each of them.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Ohhhh lovely. I meant to write as soon as I got home from the show but turns out my computer is fucked! Well back to the show. I brought a dear of mine as my plus one and we were both not feeling jaded enough to stand around upstairs with other list people (I'm pretty sure that's how it worked) so we stayed in GA and went to the front. We stood around and after Santo Green opened (love her song on Mark's album but ehh alone especially with her blank faced counterpart DJ Jaqueline, also one song in this odd guy from NJ via Poland walks back to the front and yells "What the fuck is this?!") I turned around in time to see Jay-Z walking into this little VIP thing on the floor. Nice sighting if I do say so myself. I kept running into Daniel Merriweather and seeing Mark Ronson from afar. Finally Mark comes on with his band of two drummers, three horns and a guy on the side with keyboards I think and, of course, he was on guitar and keyboards. I'm sorry to make this into a litle fangirl thing but fuck me is he beautiful. The accent, the hair, the body, the clothes, the chest hair (haha), the talent. It was jsut as hard to not loose my breath as it was to keep my knees stable. But I digress. Mark's label's new rapper, Wayle, came out a bunch of times and Saigon was there! He upstaged Wayle a bit but that's OK. Kenna also came out and was great as per usual then Santo Green sang very very well (I can't remember the order, bitches in front of me got the set list.) It's killing me that I can't remember who sang Valerie. She killed it, def threatened Amy Winehouse's version. Then there was Alex Greenwald. The only person that could keep my eyes off Mark. He killed "Just" then played "California" and danced around a lot and jumped into the crowd. Basically he was hilarious, hot, fun and telented. Good mix. Also: his hair is a bit shorter now and looks really nice. At the end Daniel Merriweather sang "Stop Me" which was amazing. Overall it was such an amazing night. The look on Mark's face just showed how pleased he was with his show (a much better looking guitar orgasm face than John Mayer's.) I didn't get to go to YOYO after which KILLED me but it was still a truly amazing night. Other sightings I don't think i mentioned: Geo Misshapes (newly blonded)and hipsteree Jackson.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My Amazing Wild, Wyld, Week.

Oh this week. I thought it was a nice musical week until I got to brilliant Sunday but I'll get to that later. Thursday I decided to see Wyld Life (I wrote about them quite a bit ago) with three of my dearests. We came a bit late, snuggled in a corner booth and drank from 40s under the table (can I regress any more?)so maybe I can't give a good feel of how they played that night but: they were much much better! It sounded quite similar to the CD which sounded very nice. I wiggled (as much as one can while sitting in a booth) around a bit but it ended quite quickly. Then Friday I saw MICKEY AVALON! Oh how I love that man. I came a bit late (ie time of the doors) and didn't end up nearly as close as I'd like to have and I thought it wasn't sold out but then my friend got turned away (well, not technically, someone on line said it was sold out so she left then and there.) But, other than that, twas amazzzzzzing. Sexy, lovely man. Saturday I took the night off and then..... Sunday! McCarren Park! Ohhh I was so excited for Mark Ronson and I missed a bit of his set but then I stood side stage (wrong side though) to watch but then leapt down to the barrier in front of him in the audience spot and at the end of his set he tossed me some T-shirt that they had at a sponsor's table. After that Octopus Project came on and I went with a dear of mine to dance around side stage and try to find Mark to ask him about his Wed. show. I was a bit sad when I didn't see him so we walked off stage and out of that vip section bit and bam! there he is! And I hear from beside me "Where's your shirt?" (Thus begins the terrific few minutes)I asked him about the show and he said how it was presale sold out but he didn't want to say how early I should get there to get tickets because he didn't want to fuck me over so.... He looks down and asks my name and says he's putting me on his list "probably because [he was] pretty drunk and [it was] really hot" (made two of us) but yes. Fuck yes. So that will be my Wed. night. And as he typed it in to his blackberry he was saying how it's basically all ronsons on the list (family) so ahh yes. I can't really remember how the moment ended I know he shook my hand and I was like no: hug time and then sorta drunkenly kissed his neck not on purpose then pranced around and hung out with some hipsteree boy who had yet to leave the pool. Ohhhhh happy days. Such an amazing album, such a talented guy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pull In Emergency.

I don't know if I've written about them before but I fucking love them. They're all like 14, from London, and great. The singer has a voice of someone twice her age and everything is pleasingly tight. They play tons of shows and seem to be a big part of the underage scene in London. Check them out immediately! (PS. They've only been together for 11 months)
If you happen to be under 18, and in London Aug 10 you have no excuse to not go to the Underage Festival. The lineup sounds fucking great. I wish New Yorkers were up to donig similar things. Fuck it, it's got Patrick Wolf, Erol Alkan, The Maccabees, The Teenagersm The Young Knives and Pull In Emergency just to name a few. I'm a bit jelous.

Jelly NYC

So, along with my mini interning at Bar/None Records I am volunteering at Mccarren Park for the Sunday Jelly NYC shows. There's only been two so far but they've been quite fun. The first show I sold water but last Sunday there wasn't really much to do so I wandered around, drank quite a bit, went on the slip n slide, danced around to Illinois (yessss) then sat around the march table and ended up talking to Illinois' manager about managing and such. Slightly embarrassing moment: five minutes into our conversation he says "have you been drinking?" Oy, and I was trying to talk about my future profession hahaha. He was very nice and gave all of the volunteer's their CD (I already had one but I took it anyway, I may give it as a gift sometime.) I didn't dance enough to them I've decided, not a good enough environment but too bad. In other news: Kelly Osborne was there for a moment then left which was pointless and I saw a few other recognizable people but I supose I can't remember who they were. Next Sunday: Octopus Project, Erase Errata, Dan Deacon, OCDJ, The Rub DJs and (drumroll please)Mark Ronson! Oh, I'm excited. Check out the rest of the events at and rsvp at to insure your entry. See you then. Also: get the free chapstick, it's amazing!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Well That Was Bullshit.

Yeah, I've been ultra busy and that was complete bullshit when I said I'd write the next day so here goes my past million days. I can't really remember all the music I've seen, I believe it was Kings of Leon twice, Lily Allen and then Albert Hammond Jr. and then the Jelly NYC shows - but I could be wrong, there may be more. Well here is how that all went: Kings of Leon live = what I've been waiting for (intensely) for about two years. I hate saying things are the best shows of the year since all are different and that's what make them fun blah blah blah but twas amazing. I love KOL a ton and since the show had so much build up it ended up being a really killer event. (So far I've used "ultra" and "killer" what other odd and dead phrases will I think up next?) But, as I was saying, this may have been the best concert all year for these reasons: LOVE THEM, build up, fun company, and the two most important factors: packed BUT I had dancing room. Oh yes, rowdy yet dancable. So yes I also knew that Jared Followill was a good looking kid but about five minutes into their set I was near orgasm and ended biting my dear friend Matthew's shoulder very hard. So yeah, I have zero train of thought right now, but other than my big fear of the VERY drunk girl a few people behind me puking on me (when she slumped forward I thought she was puking and without realized i whirred from the right side of the stage toward the center) and the short woman who passed out and whose husband was just barely keeping her alive and getting kicked in the head severely hard the night was more than a success. On to that Friday: I went to the Apple store around 2 (maybe a big later) and saw my dear underage friends (whom I met at The Kooks) and seeing as they were the second group of people on the line I was very happy when I was invited to wait with them. I waited on line for some very dramatic 4ish hours (people were pissed that me and a few others skipped in with them, and I sweat to death then nearly passed out). Twas worth it I suppose. 8 songs. Nacho gave me a setlist. Got it signed by all five of them and then went outside for a picture with Jared (I think the girl who took them for me lost my email so I have NO CLUE what the photos looked like which makes me sad.) Afterwards I realized how silly I acted and how irratating it must be for bands to deal with demanding fans so then and there I told mysself I would no longer be a little fangirl, I've put up with that pretty well.
Next: Lily Allen. I went with my dears, Laura and Jane and ended up meeting two new loves: Mitch and Max. Waited on line for forever but it didn't feel too bad. Went inside, (can you tell I know I'm going to get distracted and need to write this fast) front row on the gate, (acceptable since it clearly wouldn't be pushy) Aaron LaCrate is my new love. He's a great DJ and quite cute. Kevin Michael was THE WORST. That guy fucking loved himself. I feel a bit bad for the things we yelled out of bordom and anger but mehh everyone else was feeling the same thing. At one point while undressing himself in a manner he thought was quite hot, he said "you guys are making me sing up here" (as if he were being fucked by several groupies and were to say "you guys are making me cum up here") to which Laura answered "it's your job." Finally he and his band left and Aaron came back then after a long long time Lily came on! She got really abd reviews for this show since she forgot the lyrics and such but mehh who cares we had fun with her. When she forgot the lyrics she held the mic up to Max and I which was fun until we couldn't start the next verse, when she played a chord during a song she threw the pic to Laura and at the end she threw her lyric sheets to us (I ended up with "Not Big" which is one of my favorites). Other sightings: Richie Rich, we had a big wave-fest with him but he left before the encore which meant we couldn't chat later. Basically the night was great, sorry I didn't really write about the show, it's all a bit fuzzy now, I thought it was really fun and she looks fucking gorgeous.
Finally: Albert Hammond Jr, Dead Trees, Medium Cool. Ok, back story: Sexy Magazines: broken up glamish young nyc boys who took up the end of 2004 to early 2005 for me. I had a lot of great experiences with them and at their shows and love them to death, I only ever really hung around Franco and Marc when I saw them but they were all nice guys. I only really talk to Marc now. Medium Cool: 3 out of the 5 Mags, Marc, Mark, and Casey. Marc plays with Albert too. So back to the day of the show. I end up coming at 4:30 when the doors are at like 8 because I thought the doors were at 6:45. That pissed off my friend Ben (he's the one that went with me to Arctic Monkeys and to the March 3rd Strokes show last year, don't ask why I remember the date). We waited around for forever and had Albert pass by us nearly 5 times (to which I didn't react seeing as I am no longer a fangirl, haha) as well as Juliet Casablancas (when she walked by all I could think in my head was "I recognize that dogish nose," but soon someone said who it was so there was no need to kill myself trying to place her.) After a long time I saw Marc and had a nice chat with him during which he said to Casey who didn't seem to reconize me "You remember ______, she was in the sexy magazines" which made me feel nice. Funny end of our conversation: remember those underage boys from The Kooks? They were there online and somehow ended up hovering in a group behind me while I was talking to Marc which weired him out a bit I think (those kids weren't even 16 so they couldn't get in, sucks for them.) All I remember from the show (other than Ben nearly puking then burping what smelled like boiled hotdogs all night) was that all three bands played great, the drummer from The Dead Trees has a really expressive neck, I didn't dance enough, these girls standing in the photo pit (a bunch of people ended up there) threw their numbers at Albert and that I have Marc's pick (which bounced off of my head, fell to the floor and then was found by Ben.) I think that's all for those three shows they were quite nice and fun from what I can remember.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Has It Been That Long?

Well I've got loads to say.
First, my lovely last wensday: I saw Roger Waters, I went with my mother because she had wanted to see him and such. So we get thre, realize how shit our seats are and then sit down and end up having to chug $7.50 beers to make up for the fact that everyone and their mother was smoking around us and we needed to be somewhat unsober to fully appreciate our "Night With Roger Waters." All we ended up doing was becoming quite bloated and rolly-polly. Can't say we didn't try. Then blah blah blah, music music music and then encore: from the quick beers through extra-long straws made us pee many a time we ended up standing at the back (only several rows behind our seats) near the men's room (which was right next to the women's) after our final trip. You'd think there's no danger there, correct? You'd be wrong. Now anyone who knows me knows I'm terrified of throwing up (branching from my lovely night when I was 12 when I puked 5 times in one night all over my home (which may not be a lot for any heavy drinker but save New Year's 2006 I can my drinks down pretty well)) and I'm not OK with other's ralphing (haha, I've never used that term before) and I also have a slight fear, I suppose you could call it, of mushrooms (no reason why, one day I decided I hated them and just stopped eating them.) So now that you've got the back story: I thought a cleaning person threw down some soapy water that hit my feet so I turn around and lo and behold: PUKE WITH SLICED - UNCHEWED - MUSHROOMS! No joke so of course I regressed, ran to the bathroom, wimpered made my mother wipe my feet and sulked to the train before it was quite over. AWFUL END TO THE NIGHT!
Tomorrow I'll continue with parts 2, 3 and 4 of my recent life.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Klaxons Are Kunts.

I quite like that shirt but I'm not terribly fond of the word cunt. Either that or I love it. Depends on the weather I suppose. A very nice shirt. Don't think I could wear it to my grandmother's for Christmas though.


Guess what lovely way I caught a horrible cold. I dare you. At one point during the Arctic Monkeys when I, and everyone surrounding me, got dehydrated we all passed around some water bottle given to us (myself and maybe five strangers) by a security guard (one who, when I looked over at him at one point during the show, gave me quite a fright seeing as he has a nice streak of blood - not his own - across his yellow shirt.) So, turns out when I was joking on the subway how I was bound to get mono, herpes, or at least some minor illness I was simply foreseeing the future. I'm sick. Sick. Sick. I've sneezed four times while writing this alone. I haven't had a full nights sleep since Thursday. Awful. I had to miss out on Danny Masterson at Misshapes since I was lying in a pile of tissues and cough syrup. I'm watching Running With Scissors right now, quite good, it's paused so I can search for my Vitamin C drops.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Oh yes. I saw them - and yes, I'm still alive though fairly bruised. So I showed up early and waited around for a long time and played Uno quite a few times but when I got in it was worth the wait (as usual, I honestly have yet to be truely dissapointed by a concert and I've been to possibly hundreds.) I litterally ran up to the front and was basically blinded and deafened by the girls next to me with their bright flashing cameras and screams about "how cool" it is to be at a show on a school night. Then came be Your Own Pet. Amazing. I knew they were good but seeing Jemina live was beyond hot. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up bleaching my hair and cutting it on a whim and dancing about on stages (haha that sounds like I want to be a stripper.) Well basically it was good and this hot guy ran around the stage for a bit and the drummer is cute - really young looking. Then... wait for it... THE ARCTIC MONKEYS! Oh man, nuts, at the Kooks I was like: oh, nice, dancing room, but squished, very nice but no here it was back to Strokes status of last year at Hammerstein ie squished, barely breathing, covered in sweat, shoes half off, in unison jumping - amazing. They were so good and as usual I was front front front center. The way Alex dances when he sings was quite a nice addition. It was really great, 20 song set but no encores! How odd! I also really wanted a set list and they wouldn't throw it to me but then I feel a tug from behind - my companion who was seperated from me during the first line of the first song and he had caught one for me. Hooray. Happy days. We wiggled through the crowd, to the 2 train and back off, sweatily and smiling, to Brooklyn.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Last night I saw the Kooks with Illinois as the opener. As usual I got there like 2 hours early and then found there was not a single person of legal age in sight. Once me and my lovely friend got in we raced to the front and had to deal with girls making fun of us in french, an overly avid fan wearing the bands shirt to the show for the second night in a row, and obscenely young guys that turned out to basically be me (every show they had or were going to go to i was as well and any band they loved i did too, oy). Skip to actual music: Illinois was amazing. They were the best openers I've seen (that I didn't mean to see ie. Raconteurs for Bob Dylan, etc) in a long long time. The singer had this mic that I'd never seen before that was a phone so it sounded muffled and just really good. I was so impressed that I was pretty upset when they had to go so the Kooks could set up and play. I had thought earlier in the day that this would be a sorta calm show since it's britpop and how crazy can britpop be? Turned out I was wrong, 'twas wild. Loved it. The band is clearly all about Luke (and he knew it) which sucked and made me sad that he was such a front man that it was basically him and a backup band. During the last song (of the encore) he climbed onto the gate in the audience and i got to grab quite a lot of calf. Hot. This was also after I realized you could see his dick quite clearly through his pants; looked nice. After it was over I felt like shit and drank too much water too fast which made things worse and I wanted to wait around because I wanted to ask Luke where he got his sweater from (why I'm not a guy I don't know since I'm clearly a dirty 14 year old) but I abandoned that idea and then realized Illinois was at their table so I bought a cd and after nearly puking on their table they all signed my cd. Once I got to the last guy (it sucks because I can't remember what he played, maybe bass?) he was surrounded by these maybe 13 or 14 (tops) year old girls who I'd seen earlier that were all wearing MATCHING (not color cordinated but litterally the same outfit) Forever-21 dresses and carrying around their shopping bags. I really felt bad for the guy, one of their names was Ariel and I guess maybe they thought it was cute to be demanding but they were shoving stuff in his face and being like "SIGN THIS AS ARIEL" or "SING LITTLE MERMAID!" and he just had a pained look on his face. Turned out he was really cool though when he started ignoring them to talk to me I told him I'd have to catch them with Hold Steady (saw it on their myspace right before I left for the show but I didn't listen to any of their music, and I won't be because it's all midwest shows I think, which sucks) and that they'd have to play with the Hold Steady at the prospect park show because it's like 5 blocks from my house. And he said how he'd try and that he'd hold me to that and asked my name and such (he said his but I was feeling really ill by this point) it was a cute flirting moment but then I had to go so there goes that. I really hope I get to see them again soon. They're music was sooo good live and now I'm addicted to the cd. My favorite songs are "One on One" and "Alone Again," you can listen to them at
Also: they're from Bucks County, PA
Another also: I was of course in the middle with one person seperating me from the gate, as usual

Monday, April 30, 2007


YESSSS! High Class Elite just posted their first video on their myspace! www.
The lead singer was the singer in, my loves, The Sexy Magazines. Lurve the video, lurved the song when I first heard it at knitting factory about two years ago when they were still The Sexy Magazines.
Also: High Class Elite is opening for a free Albert Hammond Jr show at Hiro Ballroom (Marc from The Sexy Magazines plays with Albert now) should be fun.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Oh. My.

Klaxons just played and I set the mood by closing the doors, turning off all the lights, perching my computer and dancing madly. But seriously, I looked mad or maybe like someone flailing about in an embarrassing fashion. Thank god I don't do that in public. And, as this is titled, I lack rhythm so it was quite a sight. As of now I'm not quite sweaty but I am a little bit hurting (my feet and i hit my left arm on a dresser) and out of breath but ohhhh myyyyy Klaxonsssss. Lurve. As close as I'll get to see them live until September (I'm pretty sure that's what James told me). Oh yes, nice coachella


So I look up to see who's playing next - The Feeling - and in between sets they jsut show people walking around and I see this red tutu and go "you've got to be shitting me if that's Jael (from America's Next Top Model) sure enough, close up on the sunglassed face, and it's her, she's got bleached hair and im pretty sure a sorta wispy mullet with red tips, I couldn't tell. Oh man I bought The Feeling's record for 3 bucks in Saratoga Springs I think because, you know, it was cheap, but ehhh I just don't feel it, its too surfacey, not very profound, almost worse live.


So last night instead of seeing Falafal in the Tribeca Film Festival (which I heard was really good) I babysat (the two girls' normal babysitter(/nanny?) who's a friend of mine couldn't and I'm all for easy cash. But that's just the set up to my story. The two girls tell me to put on Barbie American Idol (anyone who knows me know that I'm slightly terrified by American Idol and how it can be so popular and oh it's just too much, millions voting, too much. But I love Sangia, hilarious on Best Week Ever this week. Love that girl) which plays clips of songs like "Oops I Did It Again..." and so as I put that on for them they get on the bed, sign along, dance madly, and at the end of the clip they dip while singing "I'm not that innocent" I think they're all of maybe 5 and 7. It was sick. It freaked me out. It was like kiddie porn. It made me sad. To add to that they didn't even know who Britney Spears is so they were getting those images from elsewhere.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Friday the Klaxons Djed at the Diesel store in Union Square. They were about 40 minutes late and I got bored and started writing in my Moleskine pretty stupid things like:
No one else is here to see them but two journalists and me.
Two girls came and left.
My feet smell.
I should try a black angular haircut.
my bag says KLAX in rainbow tape.
I'm here alone, what a loser.
I should try high tight shorts with seamed tights.
Where are these boys.
By the end 7 people came to see them and then a bunch of management and label people. I made friends with a guy who i think is on their management team and told him that they must play at Jelly NYC's McCarren Park Pool Parties this summer because I'll be working there. Then he brought me to Jamie and James (Steffan was also there but somewhere else, Simon was not) and when Jamie saw my bag he was like: "Woah, THAT'S ON ANUVA LEVEL!" and James said something i can't remember. Then they signed my shirt because I've accidentally made it my thing to have bands sign my clothing (eg. The Strokes, Sexy Magazines, Marilyn Manson, Franz Ferdinand (those last two just happened to be around)). Then they asked me if I was to attend their Studio B show and I said no because I was busy (which really killed me because it was sold out and the management guy was offering me a free pair). Then I sat around and talked to the people at Universal about how none of my friends know the Klaxons and how I always have to con them into going to any music with me because none of them really share my taste. I wish I didn't just sit around and had hung out with them a bit more because they were talking to everyone and hanging around for aobut 2 or 2 1/2 hours (although that wasn't the last time i spoke to any of them). In the end I got a free Diesel bag from a contest which was great (I was about to say 'it rocked' until I stopped myself) and a load of stickers. Basically the day was amazing and I accidentally fell in love with James because before I was like 'that boy is cute' but I got there and realized he is not much older than I am, severely good looking and has quite a nice personality. I guess I'll have to wait until next September (James said they'd be back then) to reunite with one of my favorite bands. Also, when I left Jamie was like 'A for effort on that bag, it's terrific' or something like that. 'Twas nice.


I find it funny how little I get around to using this.

Friday, March 9, 2007

An Odd Day For Music.

After (litterally) dancing through my day to Kings of Leon (Aha Shake Hearbreak is one of the greatest albums plus its all severely sexual which is my favorite kind of music (Milk and Tv On The Radio's Young Liars have really enjoyable sexual beats)) I found River City Rebels' latest album. I teared up a bit, I'm not sure why. Back a few years in the summer/fall of 2004, I believe, began this amazing time in my life where I got really into both RCR and The Sexy Magazines. Although I talked to Bopper (RCR lead singer) and the fucking gorgeous Patti Botox (guitarist) online all the time they never really knew me, nor did i know them (the Sexy Magazines gave me much more lasting relationships, at least in relationship to RCR, even though they've now broken up and formed seperate bands) it still brought back a lot of the feelings I had in that time of my life and made me return to a time when I was jsut begining to feel part of a music community. I don't know. I miss it. Then I tucked in back into my long list of artist on my ipod so I could refind it later, uncover those feeling again, and returned to Kings of Leon. Then I went to Built By Wendy for the sample sale and didn't buy anything on sale. Which sucks. And came home and bought my tickets to see the entire Dark Side Of The Moon performed at Madison Square Garden. My seats suck.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Love Is A Mixtape.

"What is love? Great minds have been grappling with this question through the ages, and in the modern era, they have come up with many different answers. According to the Western philosophy Pat Benetar, love is a battlefield. Her paisan Frank Sinatra would ass the corollart that love is a tender trap. The stoner kids who spent the summer of 1978 looking cool on the hoods of their Trans Ams in the Pierce Elementary School parking lot used to scare us little kids by blasting the Sweet hit "Love Is Like Oxygen" - you get too much, you get too high, not enough and you're gonna die. Love hurts. Love stinks. Love bites, love bleeds, love is the drug. The troubadours of our times all agree: The want to know what love is, and the want you to show them.
But the answer is simple. Love is a mixtape."
An exerpt from "Love Is A Mixtape" by Rob Sheffield.
I just reluctantly finished the book and loved it. I thought this was an amazing ending and wanted to write it somewhere in case I pass the book on, or lose it, or forget what effect it ever had on me.
Is it weird that lately when I hear a song I try to place it on a mix tape?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Heatherette at Delias? What?

There's a Heatherette sweatshirt in the Delias cataloug (they never stop sending it, I'm quite sick of seeing their knock off marc jacobs jellys). How odd is that? True, they have gotten less cool, more lower class in ways, just not as, as Paris Hilton might say, hot. I haven't seen Richie in about a year and. We first met at the AIDS walk about two years ago and he wanted to trade bracelets with me. Obviously i agreed. Then the next, and last, time i saw him was at their launch party at Kid Robot. Where I met Amanda Lepore. And ran around with one of Ritchie's fun fun friends who i never got the name of but we reaked a bit of havock and kept telling Amanda that I am obsessed with her and such and that I MUST get a picture with her. Was very funny, the picture is quite amusing too. I tried to go to a Heatherette thing at Macys (blehhhh) last year but turns out their fan base grew - a lot - and there was no was I was getting anywhere near them. Also funny: some guy at Kid Robot thought my friend was Aimee. Also funny: whilst in Williamsburg I bought a heatherette shirt off of the street (litterally) outside of the Salvation Army (haha not even in it) for like seven bucks. It's great.

One Year Ago

A year ago tonight i was sweatily being crushed seeing The Strokes for my 4th (out of 6) time. Technically it was a year ago tomarrow (and the next day) but since I went on friday and saturday I count this as a year. I was wearing a winter jacket that was absolutely SOAKED by the end with sweat (mostly other people's) which was really gross but worth it. I remember being absolutely FREEZING waiting on line for some four hours but today i wandered around, stopping in Beacon's Closet to buy a belt, in just a cardigan and T-Shirt. I suppose I'm guilty of enjoying the unseasonably nice day but deep down I know it's just global warming basically fucking over the world (or rather the people of the world fucking it over). Back to The Strokes. It was amazing and just a fucking terrific weekend (I got a setlist from the march 4th show) and both nights I pushed to the front and was second row each time (which is a spot I choose, I can't be front, the entire venue is shoving you, but I am a self-proclaimed Show Brat which means I must be front and center everytime) and ended up bruised and soar for weeks. I remember they had really cool lights and that tons of recognizable people were on the side stage (or little booth things rather) and (i forget if i saw anyone on the march 3rd show) I saw 5 - 10 people I knew at the march 4th show. I can't really remember that much more of it but basically it was great, very good times.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Harlem Shakes

I've loved them for a bit now. I first saw them about two years ago (at and NYU benefit at which The Sexy Magazines played) without realizing it. Thei sound is tight and pop and i like it. Their first ep is out now. I was planning on interviewing them fall of this year but i guess things fell through - maybe I'll get back on that. Listen and Love.


I think my time is set to West Coast time. I am not a West Coast girl.

east side.

Oh, Lily. Oh, boys of The Kooks. How I love you both.

Since the moment I heard Lily Allen’s “Smile” last spring (accompanied by her legendary video) I loved her. Her explicitly British looks matched (or mismatched rather) with her flowy dresses, fresh sneakers, and lovely gold machine gun (no sarcasm, I love that necklace) make her a character fit to put the boys of this generation in their place. Although I have missed her shows in NYC not once but twice, her cd is still on perpetual repeat (interrupted by blocks of Kooks and now Kings of Leon once again). Although I adore every song on the album my favorite of the moment (because when I first found her I listened to the same songs on her myspace over and over again before I got the album therefore I am someone jaded to them) would have to be “Not Big” and “Shame on You.” “Not Big” is a fierce song that I am simply in love with, Lily sings, “all the times that I said I was sober, well I’m afraid I lied. I’d be lying next to you and you next to me all the while I was high as a kite” and “how would it make you feel if I said you never made me cum” and “Let’s see how you feel in a couple of weeks when I work my way through your mates” and “I’m gonna tell the world you’re rubbish in bed now” (my fascination with that quite is mainly how it sounds it the song) basically every line is quotable and hot. I love “Shame on You” mainly because of its terrific beat and mixing (she has an amazing mixer!) but it’s got some V nice lyrics as well such as “you’ll be crying like a baby, a sea of tears they’ll call the navy in” and a handful more. Basically I love her and now everyone else does as well (including Degree deodorant that is now using that song Lily samples in “Knock ‘Em Out” in their commercial clearly because they want her fame to sell their product – I embarrassingly enough saw the commercial while watching Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader (that kid Spencer is gonna be a serious lady-killer)).
I love The Kooks. There are perfectly poppy and happy yet sad and oh how I just really love them (I wept, actually, when their may 10th tickets sold out – I didn’t think many people wanted to see them! Then I was crushed once again when Klaxons tickets for the same night turned out to be sold out as well). My only issue is the end of the album – once it gets to the dreaded “Jackie Big Tits” – sucks. Lately I’ve listened closer and realized I actually like “Time Awaits” and “Do You Still Love Me Still?” it’s really just Jackie and her big tits and the drummer’s writing skills on “Got No Love” that make me dread the last notes of “If Only” (possibly my favorite track on the album). This problem I’m sure will be solved once I begin to use my ipod once again and not have to get up to stop the cd on my medieval cd player (/TV, seriously). I lurve them and their lyrics (especially “Eddie’s Gun” lyrics about impotency – on par with Kings of Leon’s “Soft”) and basically they’re terrific and make really amazing music that makes me feel happy and calm.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I don't know how to start a blog. i have a feeling I'm going to be quite bad at this.

And Thats When I Flipped A Shit... proving that it takes little time to find yourself awfully cringeworthy

May 19, 2006. Joey Ramone Birthday Bash.

Last night was fucking amazing. Despite being surrounded by a group of irrating girls who refused to accept any other art form except for the strokes it was fucking great. First good thing: the threads, frontman so cocky it was hot and extremely good looking bassist along with an adorable ep they handed out hand wrapped in a brown paper bag closed with a sticker added up to a performance that even my mother loved. Next good thing: seeing the Star Spangles for the first time in just a few monthes shy of two years. Although it was not a very impressive performance (from the front the vocals were completely wiped out) it was still amazing to see them again and playing i dont wanna be crazy anymore was one of the highlights of my night. Speaking of the front, that's where i was, in the front center with one person between me and the stage (i hate being on the stage since when the main act starts the entire venue is pushing on you, i always insist on the second row) it was perfecto. Glen Matlock's band was great too. His guitarist (the one on the left of the stage) kept playing up all the people near him including licking his lips and blowing kisses at my mother who was two rows behind me (he also threw a pic towards me but it fell on the ground and, embarrasingly enough as they played rpetty vacant he was playing guitar towards me and watching me sing along and i fucked up the lyrics). Then the most beautiful thing happened EVER: about two min before they were to come out and play the photographer next to me told me "some band called mindless self indulgence" were going to play next. And thats when i flipped a shit. I didnt really pay attention to the people behind me but within a several person radius (there were a few girls to my left who were big fans) who knew who they were. And then they came out, and it was beautiful. While the irratating girls kept their blank faces i had the best time ever it was amazing (Note: I've had "many best times ever" there's been others that topped this by a ton). Jimmy urine is sex, so is linZ i cant say id mind a threesome. It was amazing but went too fast and i was decieved by the set list taped to an amp that listed eleven songs so when they left after about 7 songs then i trusted jimmy's jacket that read "be back in 5 min" and held my breath for more, which never came, but i dont mind it was amazing. then came the stokes, who i am currently angry with. Everyone pressed forward and waited fairly impaciently and then they came out. And sang two songs. With barely any lighting. As if they didnt even settle into the stage just come and go. Two fucking songs. About half the audience had been waiting for over 4 hours (including myself) for their godliness and all we got was two songs. Fuck them i dont care i had an amazing night and ive had five previous wonderful occasions with them. After that tons of people left and i was pushed onto the stage and groped by an old guy so i left before the true "gods" played. Too bad. It was still an amazing night and i will forever love the fact that jimmy urine put the microphone down his tight fruit of the looms and banged on it as they were leaving and then julian held it and screamed and sang and talked and mumbled into it. Oh the beauty of karma.