Monday, May 21, 2007


Guess what lovely way I caught a horrible cold. I dare you. At one point during the Arctic Monkeys when I, and everyone surrounding me, got dehydrated we all passed around some water bottle given to us (myself and maybe five strangers) by a security guard (one who, when I looked over at him at one point during the show, gave me quite a fright seeing as he has a nice streak of blood - not his own - across his yellow shirt.) So, turns out when I was joking on the subway how I was bound to get mono, herpes, or at least some minor illness I was simply foreseeing the future. I'm sick. Sick. Sick. I've sneezed four times while writing this alone. I haven't had a full nights sleep since Thursday. Awful. I had to miss out on Danny Masterson at Misshapes since I was lying in a pile of tissues and cough syrup. I'm watching Running With Scissors right now, quite good, it's paused so I can search for my Vitamin C drops.

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