Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Oh yes. I saw them - and yes, I'm still alive though fairly bruised. So I showed up early and waited around for a long time and played Uno quite a few times but when I got in it was worth the wait (as usual, I honestly have yet to be truely dissapointed by a concert and I've been to possibly hundreds.) I litterally ran up to the front and was basically blinded and deafened by the girls next to me with their bright flashing cameras and screams about "how cool" it is to be at a show on a school night. Then came be Your Own Pet. Amazing. I knew they were good but seeing Jemina live was beyond hot. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up bleaching my hair and cutting it on a whim and dancing about on stages (haha that sounds like I want to be a stripper.) Well basically it was good and this hot guy ran around the stage for a bit and the drummer is cute - really young looking. Then... wait for it... THE ARCTIC MONKEYS! Oh man, nuts, at the Kooks I was like: oh, nice, dancing room, but squished, very nice but no here it was back to Strokes status of last year at Hammerstein ie squished, barely breathing, covered in sweat, shoes half off, in unison jumping - amazing. They were so good and as usual I was front front front center. The way Alex dances when he sings was quite a nice addition. It was really great, 20 song set but no encores! How odd! I also really wanted a set list and they wouldn't throw it to me but then I feel a tug from behind - my companion who was seperated from me during the first line of the first song and he had caught one for me. Hooray. Happy days. We wiggled through the crowd, to the 2 train and back off, sweatily and smiling, to Brooklyn.

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