Friday, July 13, 2007


Ohhhh lovely. I meant to write as soon as I got home from the show but turns out my computer is fucked! Well back to the show. I brought a dear of mine as my plus one and we were both not feeling jaded enough to stand around upstairs with other list people (I'm pretty sure that's how it worked) so we stayed in GA and went to the front. We stood around and after Santo Green opened (love her song on Mark's album but ehh alone especially with her blank faced counterpart DJ Jaqueline, also one song in this odd guy from NJ via Poland walks back to the front and yells "What the fuck is this?!") I turned around in time to see Jay-Z walking into this little VIP thing on the floor. Nice sighting if I do say so myself. I kept running into Daniel Merriweather and seeing Mark Ronson from afar. Finally Mark comes on with his band of two drummers, three horns and a guy on the side with keyboards I think and, of course, he was on guitar and keyboards. I'm sorry to make this into a litle fangirl thing but fuck me is he beautiful. The accent, the hair, the body, the clothes, the chest hair (haha), the talent. It was jsut as hard to not loose my breath as it was to keep my knees stable. But I digress. Mark's label's new rapper, Wayle, came out a bunch of times and Saigon was there! He upstaged Wayle a bit but that's OK. Kenna also came out and was great as per usual then Santo Green sang very very well (I can't remember the order, bitches in front of me got the set list.) It's killing me that I can't remember who sang Valerie. She killed it, def threatened Amy Winehouse's version. Then there was Alex Greenwald. The only person that could keep my eyes off Mark. He killed "Just" then played "California" and danced around a lot and jumped into the crowd. Basically he was hilarious, hot, fun and telented. Good mix. Also: his hair is a bit shorter now and looks really nice. At the end Daniel Merriweather sang "Stop Me" which was amazing. Overall it was such an amazing night. The look on Mark's face just showed how pleased he was with his show (a much better looking guitar orgasm face than John Mayer's.) I didn't get to go to YOYO after which KILLED me but it was still a truly amazing night. Other sightings I don't think i mentioned: Geo Misshapes (newly blonded)and hipsteree Jackson.

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