Friday, March 2, 2007

One Year Ago

A year ago tonight i was sweatily being crushed seeing The Strokes for my 4th (out of 6) time. Technically it was a year ago tomarrow (and the next day) but since I went on friday and saturday I count this as a year. I was wearing a winter jacket that was absolutely SOAKED by the end with sweat (mostly other people's) which was really gross but worth it. I remember being absolutely FREEZING waiting on line for some four hours but today i wandered around, stopping in Beacon's Closet to buy a belt, in just a cardigan and T-Shirt. I suppose I'm guilty of enjoying the unseasonably nice day but deep down I know it's just global warming basically fucking over the world (or rather the people of the world fucking it over). Back to The Strokes. It was amazing and just a fucking terrific weekend (I got a setlist from the march 4th show) and both nights I pushed to the front and was second row each time (which is a spot I choose, I can't be front, the entire venue is shoving you, but I am a self-proclaimed Show Brat which means I must be front and center everytime) and ended up bruised and soar for weeks. I remember they had really cool lights and that tons of recognizable people were on the side stage (or little booth things rather) and (i forget if i saw anyone on the march 3rd show) I saw 5 - 10 people I knew at the march 4th show. I can't really remember that much more of it but basically it was great, very good times.

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