Thursday, July 26, 2007

4 Shows, 3 Days.

Friday night: Gogol Bordello.
If you don't know Gogol Bordello; check them out NOW. They're amazing gypsy punk and quite amazing live. The lead singer, Eugene, was in Everything is Illuminated. I saw them last year I(june I believe) and stood in the front and got killed, as usual, but since I knew this would be a big weekend I decided to stand, with many parents, in the balcony and on the side (with my mother who was my dear for the night - she is obsessed with them.) After a night of amazing music and a new perspective (litterally) on being a fan came the encore. Eugene climbed up to where I was - I fuck you not - proceeded to make out with the girl next to be (the only other female under 40 near us) and then grab and hug me and scream down to the crowd for like five minutes then scream at me "The after party is next!" and when I asked where it was he simply said with his bloody lip "The Buglarian bar." So basically all the kids downstairs were killing themselves to get close to them all night whereas Eugene came to me. Ha. Sightings: possibly Karen O and (def) bandmate Nick Zinner.
Saturday Morning: Siren.
I had never been to SIren because I was always away but to be honest it wasn't all that fun for me. It was well put together and such and I got tons of free stuff and, as usual, I love Coney Island but the lineup wasn't all that great so I only ended up watching two bands. I got there quite early and ended up in the front by mistake (I intended on staying further back) and watched Twilight Sad (not really that memorable but they were good) and Dr. Dog (the only band I really came to see, i've seen NY Dolls many a time and by later on I was far too full and sunned out to stay for MIA or Black Lips). They were very very good and I danced around for a bit but when one of my dears was passing out we went for lunch (Nathan's, of course) and then home. Yes, I'm a boring old man.
Saturday Night: Doc Pomus Tribute in Prospect Park.
Not much to say. It was well done. Sharon Jones was amazing as was many others. I went to see Lou Reed and teddy Thompson but was quite dissapointed when Teddy didn't show. Lou was very good. I was tired so no dancing took place with the 60 year old women in front of me, but that's OK.
Sunday: McCarren Park Pool Parties.
Work work. Except not since I didn't really have a job and wandered around for a while, sat and watched the Annuals (amazing) and left before Band of Horses came on.
Thus concludes my whirlwind weekend.


I've learned how to silkscreen! It's quite fun, I've made tons of stuff and I plan on printing "Lacking Rhythm" on the back of each of them.

Friday, July 13, 2007


Ohhhh lovely. I meant to write as soon as I got home from the show but turns out my computer is fucked! Well back to the show. I brought a dear of mine as my plus one and we were both not feeling jaded enough to stand around upstairs with other list people (I'm pretty sure that's how it worked) so we stayed in GA and went to the front. We stood around and after Santo Green opened (love her song on Mark's album but ehh alone especially with her blank faced counterpart DJ Jaqueline, also one song in this odd guy from NJ via Poland walks back to the front and yells "What the fuck is this?!") I turned around in time to see Jay-Z walking into this little VIP thing on the floor. Nice sighting if I do say so myself. I kept running into Daniel Merriweather and seeing Mark Ronson from afar. Finally Mark comes on with his band of two drummers, three horns and a guy on the side with keyboards I think and, of course, he was on guitar and keyboards. I'm sorry to make this into a litle fangirl thing but fuck me is he beautiful. The accent, the hair, the body, the clothes, the chest hair (haha), the talent. It was jsut as hard to not loose my breath as it was to keep my knees stable. But I digress. Mark's label's new rapper, Wayle, came out a bunch of times and Saigon was there! He upstaged Wayle a bit but that's OK. Kenna also came out and was great as per usual then Santo Green sang very very well (I can't remember the order, bitches in front of me got the set list.) It's killing me that I can't remember who sang Valerie. She killed it, def threatened Amy Winehouse's version. Then there was Alex Greenwald. The only person that could keep my eyes off Mark. He killed "Just" then played "California" and danced around a lot and jumped into the crowd. Basically he was hilarious, hot, fun and telented. Good mix. Also: his hair is a bit shorter now and looks really nice. At the end Daniel Merriweather sang "Stop Me" which was amazing. Overall it was such an amazing night. The look on Mark's face just showed how pleased he was with his show (a much better looking guitar orgasm face than John Mayer's.) I didn't get to go to YOYO after which KILLED me but it was still a truly amazing night. Other sightings I don't think i mentioned: Geo Misshapes (newly blonded)and hipsteree Jackson.

Monday, July 9, 2007

My Amazing Wild, Wyld, Week.

Oh this week. I thought it was a nice musical week until I got to brilliant Sunday but I'll get to that later. Thursday I decided to see Wyld Life (I wrote about them quite a bit ago) with three of my dearests. We came a bit late, snuggled in a corner booth and drank from 40s under the table (can I regress any more?)so maybe I can't give a good feel of how they played that night but: they were much much better! It sounded quite similar to the CD which sounded very nice. I wiggled (as much as one can while sitting in a booth) around a bit but it ended quite quickly. Then Friday I saw MICKEY AVALON! Oh how I love that man. I came a bit late (ie time of the doors) and didn't end up nearly as close as I'd like to have and I thought it wasn't sold out but then my friend got turned away (well, not technically, someone on line said it was sold out so she left then and there.) But, other than that, twas amazzzzzzing. Sexy, lovely man. Saturday I took the night off and then..... Sunday! McCarren Park! Ohhh I was so excited for Mark Ronson and I missed a bit of his set but then I stood side stage (wrong side though) to watch but then leapt down to the barrier in front of him in the audience spot and at the end of his set he tossed me some T-shirt that they had at a sponsor's table. After that Octopus Project came on and I went with a dear of mine to dance around side stage and try to find Mark to ask him about his Wed. show. I was a bit sad when I didn't see him so we walked off stage and out of that vip section bit and bam! there he is! And I hear from beside me "Where's your shirt?" (Thus begins the terrific few minutes)I asked him about the show and he said how it was presale sold out but he didn't want to say how early I should get there to get tickets because he didn't want to fuck me over so.... He looks down and asks my name and says he's putting me on his list "probably because [he was] pretty drunk and [it was] really hot" (made two of us) but yes. Fuck yes. So that will be my Wed. night. And as he typed it in to his blackberry he was saying how it's basically all ronsons on the list (family) so ahh yes. I can't really remember how the moment ended I know he shook my hand and I was like no: hug time and then sorta drunkenly kissed his neck not on purpose then pranced around and hung out with some hipsteree boy who had yet to leave the pool. Ohhhhh happy days. Such an amazing album, such a talented guy.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Pull In Emergency.

I don't know if I've written about them before but I fucking love them. They're all like 14, from London, and great. The singer has a voice of someone twice her age and everything is pleasingly tight. They play tons of shows and seem to be a big part of the underage scene in London. Check them out immediately! (PS. They've only been together for 11 months)
If you happen to be under 18, and in London Aug 10 you have no excuse to not go to the Underage Festival. The lineup sounds fucking great. I wish New Yorkers were up to donig similar things. Fuck it, it's got Patrick Wolf, Erol Alkan, The Maccabees, The Teenagersm The Young Knives and Pull In Emergency just to name a few. I'm a bit jelous.

Jelly NYC

So, along with my mini interning at Bar/None Records I am volunteering at Mccarren Park for the Sunday Jelly NYC shows. There's only been two so far but they've been quite fun. The first show I sold water but last Sunday there wasn't really much to do so I wandered around, drank quite a bit, went on the slip n slide, danced around to Illinois (yessss) then sat around the march table and ended up talking to Illinois' manager about managing and such. Slightly embarrassing moment: five minutes into our conversation he says "have you been drinking?" Oy, and I was trying to talk about my future profession hahaha. He was very nice and gave all of the volunteer's their CD (I already had one but I took it anyway, I may give it as a gift sometime.) I didn't dance enough to them I've decided, not a good enough environment but too bad. In other news: Kelly Osborne was there for a moment then left which was pointless and I saw a few other recognizable people but I supose I can't remember who they were. Next Sunday: Octopus Project, Erase Errata, Dan Deacon, OCDJ, The Rub DJs and (drumroll please)Mark Ronson! Oh, I'm excited. Check out the rest of the events at and rsvp at to insure your entry. See you then. Also: get the free chapstick, it's amazing!