Friday, March 9, 2007

An Odd Day For Music.

After (litterally) dancing through my day to Kings of Leon (Aha Shake Hearbreak is one of the greatest albums plus its all severely sexual which is my favorite kind of music (Milk and Tv On The Radio's Young Liars have really enjoyable sexual beats)) I found River City Rebels' latest album. I teared up a bit, I'm not sure why. Back a few years in the summer/fall of 2004, I believe, began this amazing time in my life where I got really into both RCR and The Sexy Magazines. Although I talked to Bopper (RCR lead singer) and the fucking gorgeous Patti Botox (guitarist) online all the time they never really knew me, nor did i know them (the Sexy Magazines gave me much more lasting relationships, at least in relationship to RCR, even though they've now broken up and formed seperate bands) it still brought back a lot of the feelings I had in that time of my life and made me return to a time when I was jsut begining to feel part of a music community. I don't know. I miss it. Then I tucked in back into my long list of artist on my ipod so I could refind it later, uncover those feeling again, and returned to Kings of Leon. Then I went to Built By Wendy for the sample sale and didn't buy anything on sale. Which sucks. And came home and bought my tickets to see the entire Dark Side Of The Moon performed at Madison Square Garden. My seats suck.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Love Is A Mixtape.

"What is love? Great minds have been grappling with this question through the ages, and in the modern era, they have come up with many different answers. According to the Western philosophy Pat Benetar, love is a battlefield. Her paisan Frank Sinatra would ass the corollart that love is a tender trap. The stoner kids who spent the summer of 1978 looking cool on the hoods of their Trans Ams in the Pierce Elementary School parking lot used to scare us little kids by blasting the Sweet hit "Love Is Like Oxygen" - you get too much, you get too high, not enough and you're gonna die. Love hurts. Love stinks. Love bites, love bleeds, love is the drug. The troubadours of our times all agree: The want to know what love is, and the want you to show them.
But the answer is simple. Love is a mixtape."
An exerpt from "Love Is A Mixtape" by Rob Sheffield.
I just reluctantly finished the book and loved it. I thought this was an amazing ending and wanted to write it somewhere in case I pass the book on, or lose it, or forget what effect it ever had on me.
Is it weird that lately when I hear a song I try to place it on a mix tape?

Friday, March 2, 2007

Heatherette at Delias? What?

There's a Heatherette sweatshirt in the Delias cataloug (they never stop sending it, I'm quite sick of seeing their knock off marc jacobs jellys). How odd is that? True, they have gotten less cool, more lower class in ways, just not as, as Paris Hilton might say, hot. I haven't seen Richie in about a year and. We first met at the AIDS walk about two years ago and he wanted to trade bracelets with me. Obviously i agreed. Then the next, and last, time i saw him was at their launch party at Kid Robot. Where I met Amanda Lepore. And ran around with one of Ritchie's fun fun friends who i never got the name of but we reaked a bit of havock and kept telling Amanda that I am obsessed with her and such and that I MUST get a picture with her. Was very funny, the picture is quite amusing too. I tried to go to a Heatherette thing at Macys (blehhhh) last year but turns out their fan base grew - a lot - and there was no was I was getting anywhere near them. Also funny: some guy at Kid Robot thought my friend was Aimee. Also funny: whilst in Williamsburg I bought a heatherette shirt off of the street (litterally) outside of the Salvation Army (haha not even in it) for like seven bucks. It's great.

One Year Ago

A year ago tonight i was sweatily being crushed seeing The Strokes for my 4th (out of 6) time. Technically it was a year ago tomarrow (and the next day) but since I went on friday and saturday I count this as a year. I was wearing a winter jacket that was absolutely SOAKED by the end with sweat (mostly other people's) which was really gross but worth it. I remember being absolutely FREEZING waiting on line for some four hours but today i wandered around, stopping in Beacon's Closet to buy a belt, in just a cardigan and T-Shirt. I suppose I'm guilty of enjoying the unseasonably nice day but deep down I know it's just global warming basically fucking over the world (or rather the people of the world fucking it over). Back to The Strokes. It was amazing and just a fucking terrific weekend (I got a setlist from the march 4th show) and both nights I pushed to the front and was second row each time (which is a spot I choose, I can't be front, the entire venue is shoving you, but I am a self-proclaimed Show Brat which means I must be front and center everytime) and ended up bruised and soar for weeks. I remember they had really cool lights and that tons of recognizable people were on the side stage (or little booth things rather) and (i forget if i saw anyone on the march 3rd show) I saw 5 - 10 people I knew at the march 4th show. I can't really remember that much more of it but basically it was great, very good times.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Harlem Shakes

I've loved them for a bit now. I first saw them about two years ago (at and NYU benefit at which The Sexy Magazines played) without realizing it. Thei sound is tight and pop and i like it. Their first ep is out now. I was planning on interviewing them fall of this year but i guess things fell through - maybe I'll get back on that. Listen and Love.


I think my time is set to West Coast time. I am not a West Coast girl.

east side.

Oh, Lily. Oh, boys of The Kooks. How I love you both.

Since the moment I heard Lily Allen’s “Smile” last spring (accompanied by her legendary video) I loved her. Her explicitly British looks matched (or mismatched rather) with her flowy dresses, fresh sneakers, and lovely gold machine gun (no sarcasm, I love that necklace) make her a character fit to put the boys of this generation in their place. Although I have missed her shows in NYC not once but twice, her cd is still on perpetual repeat (interrupted by blocks of Kooks and now Kings of Leon once again). Although I adore every song on the album my favorite of the moment (because when I first found her I listened to the same songs on her myspace over and over again before I got the album therefore I am someone jaded to them) would have to be “Not Big” and “Shame on You.” “Not Big” is a fierce song that I am simply in love with, Lily sings, “all the times that I said I was sober, well I’m afraid I lied. I’d be lying next to you and you next to me all the while I was high as a kite” and “how would it make you feel if I said you never made me cum” and “Let’s see how you feel in a couple of weeks when I work my way through your mates” and “I’m gonna tell the world you’re rubbish in bed now” (my fascination with that quite is mainly how it sounds it the song) basically every line is quotable and hot. I love “Shame on You” mainly because of its terrific beat and mixing (she has an amazing mixer!) but it’s got some V nice lyrics as well such as “you’ll be crying like a baby, a sea of tears they’ll call the navy in” and a handful more. Basically I love her and now everyone else does as well (including Degree deodorant that is now using that song Lily samples in “Knock ‘Em Out” in their commercial clearly because they want her fame to sell their product – I embarrassingly enough saw the commercial while watching Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader (that kid Spencer is gonna be a serious lady-killer)).
I love The Kooks. There are perfectly poppy and happy yet sad and oh how I just really love them (I wept, actually, when their may 10th tickets sold out – I didn’t think many people wanted to see them! Then I was crushed once again when Klaxons tickets for the same night turned out to be sold out as well). My only issue is the end of the album – once it gets to the dreaded “Jackie Big Tits” – sucks. Lately I’ve listened closer and realized I actually like “Time Awaits” and “Do You Still Love Me Still?” it’s really just Jackie and her big tits and the drummer’s writing skills on “Got No Love” that make me dread the last notes of “If Only” (possibly my favorite track on the album). This problem I’m sure will be solved once I begin to use my ipod once again and not have to get up to stop the cd on my medieval cd player (/TV, seriously). I lurve them and their lyrics (especially “Eddie’s Gun” lyrics about impotency – on par with Kings of Leon’s “Soft”) and basically they’re terrific and make really amazing music that makes me feel happy and calm.