Monday, April 30, 2007


YESSSS! High Class Elite just posted their first video on their myspace! www.
The lead singer was the singer in, my loves, The Sexy Magazines. Lurve the video, lurved the song when I first heard it at knitting factory about two years ago when they were still The Sexy Magazines.
Also: High Class Elite is opening for a free Albert Hammond Jr show at Hiro Ballroom (Marc from The Sexy Magazines plays with Albert now) should be fun.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Oh. My.

Klaxons just played and I set the mood by closing the doors, turning off all the lights, perching my computer and dancing madly. But seriously, I looked mad or maybe like someone flailing about in an embarrassing fashion. Thank god I don't do that in public. And, as this is titled, I lack rhythm so it was quite a sight. As of now I'm not quite sweaty but I am a little bit hurting (my feet and i hit my left arm on a dresser) and out of breath but ohhhh myyyyy Klaxonsssss. Lurve. As close as I'll get to see them live until September (I'm pretty sure that's what James told me). Oh yes, nice coachella


So I look up to see who's playing next - The Feeling - and in between sets they jsut show people walking around and I see this red tutu and go "you've got to be shitting me if that's Jael (from America's Next Top Model) sure enough, close up on the sunglassed face, and it's her, she's got bleached hair and im pretty sure a sorta wispy mullet with red tips, I couldn't tell. Oh man I bought The Feeling's record for 3 bucks in Saratoga Springs I think because, you know, it was cheap, but ehhh I just don't feel it, its too surfacey, not very profound, almost worse live.


So last night instead of seeing Falafal in the Tribeca Film Festival (which I heard was really good) I babysat (the two girls' normal babysitter(/nanny?) who's a friend of mine couldn't and I'm all for easy cash. But that's just the set up to my story. The two girls tell me to put on Barbie American Idol (anyone who knows me know that I'm slightly terrified by American Idol and how it can be so popular and oh it's just too much, millions voting, too much. But I love Sangia, hilarious on Best Week Ever this week. Love that girl) which plays clips of songs like "Oops I Did It Again..." and so as I put that on for them they get on the bed, sign along, dance madly, and at the end of the clip they dip while singing "I'm not that innocent" I think they're all of maybe 5 and 7. It was sick. It freaked me out. It was like kiddie porn. It made me sad. To add to that they didn't even know who Britney Spears is so they were getting those images from elsewhere.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Friday the Klaxons Djed at the Diesel store in Union Square. They were about 40 minutes late and I got bored and started writing in my Moleskine pretty stupid things like:
No one else is here to see them but two journalists and me.
Two girls came and left.
My feet smell.
I should try a black angular haircut.
my bag says KLAX in rainbow tape.
I'm here alone, what a loser.
I should try high tight shorts with seamed tights.
Where are these boys.
By the end 7 people came to see them and then a bunch of management and label people. I made friends with a guy who i think is on their management team and told him that they must play at Jelly NYC's McCarren Park Pool Parties this summer because I'll be working there. Then he brought me to Jamie and James (Steffan was also there but somewhere else, Simon was not) and when Jamie saw my bag he was like: "Woah, THAT'S ON ANUVA LEVEL!" and James said something i can't remember. Then they signed my shirt because I've accidentally made it my thing to have bands sign my clothing (eg. The Strokes, Sexy Magazines, Marilyn Manson, Franz Ferdinand (those last two just happened to be around)). Then they asked me if I was to attend their Studio B show and I said no because I was busy (which really killed me because it was sold out and the management guy was offering me a free pair). Then I sat around and talked to the people at Universal about how none of my friends know the Klaxons and how I always have to con them into going to any music with me because none of them really share my taste. I wish I didn't just sit around and had hung out with them a bit more because they were talking to everyone and hanging around for aobut 2 or 2 1/2 hours (although that wasn't the last time i spoke to any of them). In the end I got a free Diesel bag from a contest which was great (I was about to say 'it rocked' until I stopped myself) and a load of stickers. Basically the day was amazing and I accidentally fell in love with James because before I was like 'that boy is cute' but I got there and realized he is not much older than I am, severely good looking and has quite a nice personality. I guess I'll have to wait until next September (James said they'd be back then) to reunite with one of my favorite bands. Also, when I left Jamie was like 'A for effort on that bag, it's terrific' or something like that. 'Twas nice.


I find it funny how little I get around to using this.