Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I don't know how to start a blog. i have a feeling I'm going to be quite bad at this.

And Thats When I Flipped A Shit... proving that it takes little time to find yourself awfully cringeworthy

May 19, 2006. Joey Ramone Birthday Bash.

Last night was fucking amazing. Despite being surrounded by a group of irrating girls who refused to accept any other art form except for the strokes it was fucking great. First good thing: the threads, frontman so cocky it was hot and extremely good looking bassist along with an adorable ep they handed out hand wrapped in a brown paper bag closed with a sticker added up to a performance that even my mother loved. Next good thing: seeing the Star Spangles for the first time in just a few monthes shy of two years. Although it was not a very impressive performance (from the front the vocals were completely wiped out) it was still amazing to see them again and playing i dont wanna be crazy anymore was one of the highlights of my night. Speaking of the front, that's where i was, in the front center with one person between me and the stage (i hate being on the stage since when the main act starts the entire venue is pushing on you, i always insist on the second row) it was perfecto. Glen Matlock's band was great too. His guitarist (the one on the left of the stage) kept playing up all the people near him including licking his lips and blowing kisses at my mother who was two rows behind me (he also threw a pic towards me but it fell on the ground and, embarrasingly enough as they played rpetty vacant he was playing guitar towards me and watching me sing along and i fucked up the lyrics). Then the most beautiful thing happened EVER: about two min before they were to come out and play the photographer next to me told me "some band called mindless self indulgence" were going to play next. And thats when i flipped a shit. I didnt really pay attention to the people behind me but within a several person radius (there were a few girls to my left who were big fans) who knew who they were. And then they came out, and it was beautiful. While the irratating girls kept their blank faces i had the best time ever it was amazing (Note: I've had "many best times ever" there's been others that topped this by a ton). Jimmy urine is sex, so is linZ i cant say id mind a threesome. It was amazing but went too fast and i was decieved by the set list taped to an amp that listed eleven songs so when they left after about 7 songs then i trusted jimmy's jacket that read "be back in 5 min" and held my breath for more, which never came, but i dont mind it was amazing. then came the stokes, who i am currently angry with. Everyone pressed forward and waited fairly impaciently and then they came out. And sang two songs. With barely any lighting. As if they didnt even settle into the stage just come and go. Two fucking songs. About half the audience had been waiting for over 4 hours (including myself) for their godliness and all we got was two songs. Fuck them i dont care i had an amazing night and ive had five previous wonderful occasions with them. After that tons of people left and i was pushed onto the stage and groped by an old guy so i left before the true "gods" played. Too bad. It was still an amazing night and i will forever love the fact that jimmy urine put the microphone down his tight fruit of the looms and banged on it as they were leaving and then julian held it and screamed and sang and talked and mumbled into it. Oh the beauty of karma.